• Configuration of Anderon Meters and Waviness Meters

    Calibration of Bearing Inspection Systems

    When measuring bearings, calibrating the measurement device itself is important to ensure its reliability.
    The Calibrator for bearing testers calibrates the Analyzers and Sensors of the Anderon Meters and the Waviness Meters.

  • ADC-101

    Anderon Calibrator

    The Anderon Calibrator ADC-101 is a device for calibrating the Analyzers of the bearing inspection systems. It calibrates the Analyzers by outputting to them the signals corresponding to Anderon/Waviness vibrations. The ADC-101 is equipped with all the functions of our previous Calibrators, enabling calibration of any Analyzers of Sugawara bearing inspection systems.
    It also has a function for outputting bearing measurement data saved in USB memory by the Analyzers ADA-105/SWA-105, to other Analyzers as voltage signals.

  • ADC-105 and VVU-105

    Anderon Vibration Generator

    The Anderon Vibration Generator ADC-105 & VVU-105 is a set of devices to calibrate the Analyzer and the Sensor at the same time. By contacting the Sensor head on the vibrating surface of the VVU-105, you can calibrate the Sensor and the Analyzer that processes the Sensor signals and displays the measured value.
    It also has a function for reproducing bearing measurement data saved in USB memory by the Analyzers ADA-105/SWA-105 as actual vibration.

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